If you’re looking for a women’s health resource that understands your health is about so much more than birth control, then we have good news: You’ve found it. Below you’ll find links to articles containing evidence-based information concerning the full range of authentic women’s health—and the personal stories and testimonies of women like you, to round everything out.
Abortion and Women’s Health
Autoimmune Disease
Birth Basics
Birth Control Side Effects
Blood clots
Breast Health
Coming Off the Pill: Real Women’s Testimonies
Copper toxicity & other risks of the copper IUD
Diabetes: T1, T2, and Gestational
FAM effectiveness rates
Female athletes, cycles, and birth control
Fertility Apps and Femtech
Fertility Awareness Around the World
Fertility Awareness for Health Professionals
Fertility Awareness for Men
Fertility Awareness Method (FAM) Basics
Fertility Awareness Methods
Find A Doctor
Fitness and nutrition
Health benefits of fertility awareness charting
HIV transmission & the Depo Provera birth control shot
Hormone imbalance
How can FAM improve your practice?
Irregular period
Learn a method
Medical Update one-pager
Men’s health & fertility
Migraines / headaches
Miscarriage and pregnancy loss
Natural birth control
Natural Family Planning
Natural Womanhood Exclusive Video Interview
Natural Womanhood Reviews: Books, media, & more!
NFP Success Stories
PCOS & other ovarian cysts
Perimenopause and menopause
Postpartum depression
Pregnancy health
Professional Organizations
Relationship health: NFP vs Birth Control
Reproductive and Menstrual Disorders
Restorative Reproductive Medicine (RRM)
Root causes of infertility
Share FAM with your Doctor
Talking with your partner about NFP
Teaching teens about fertility awareness
Teens and sex
Treatment for infertility
Trying to conceive
Understanding your menstrual health
Weight gain
What is charting?
What is fertility awareness?
When birth control hurts a loved one’s mental health
Why Do Women Have Periods?
Why Fam? How it works for guys