Breast Health

Breast cancer, breast exams, the health benefits of breastfeeding, and the impact of ovulation on breast health: here’s what you need to know.

  • vaping risks, vaping birth control, vaping while taking birth control, e-cigarettes birth control, dont take birth control if vaping,

    Vaping and birth control: Too risky to go together

    By Melayna Alicea • November 19, 2024
    Know the risks
  • HRT after age 65, hormone therapy after 65, hormone therapy after age 65, hormone replacement therapy after 65, menoapuse treatment after age 65, extended menopause treatment,

    Treating menopause symptoms after age 65 with hormone therapy: Is it safe? 

    By Melayna Alicea • September 12, 2024
    New research may hold answers
  • LARC after birth, IUD after birth, IUD before leaving the hospital, IUD after giving birth, postplacental LARC, postplacental IUD, reducing short interpregnancy interval,

    IUD placement right after birth might be unethical—and unnecessary

    By Kristen Curran • September 10, 2024
    Why we shouldn’t be placing “postplacental” LARC
  • female athlete oral contraceptives, female athlete birth control, female athlete acl injury risk birth control, female athlete oral contraceptives, female athlete on the pill,

    Is it better for female athletes to be on the Pill? 

    By Therese Vonesh and Anne Marie Williams • August 10, 2024
    What the research says about ACL injury risk and OC use
  • puberty blockers for gender dysphoria, can you pause puberty, can you pause puberty with puberty blockers, gender dysphoria puberty blockers problems, puberty blocker problems, puberty blockers bone density loss, puberty blockers teen girls, puberty blockers bad

    Is it true that puberty blockers “pause” puberty? 

    By Madison Ayers • June 15, 2024
    Hint: The answer isn’t what we’ve been told
  • breasts sore before period, breast soreness before period, breasts sore pms, breast soreness pms

    Why do some women experience breast soreness before their periods?

    By Kristen Curran • October 6, 2023
    Crippling cramps, aching breasts, fatigue, mood swings… If you’re one of the 20% of women whose PMS symptoms…
  • high prolactin levels, hyperprolactinemia, is high prolactin a sign of cancer, hyperprolactinemia symptoms, hyperprolactinemia causes, hyperprolactinemia treatment

    Producing milk when you shouldn’t be? Here’s everything you need to know about high prolactin levels, aka hyperprolactinemia

    By Kristen Curran • August 17, 2023
    Most things in life take a little work to get going. If you want to start your car,…
  • breastmilk is alive, breastmilk is a living substance, breastmilk living substance, breastmilk boosts immune system, breastmilk adapts to baby's needs

    Why do we call breastmilk a living substance?

    By Cassondra Moriarty • January 27, 2023
    You might have heard that breast milk has superpower properties, can heal wounds faster than neosporin, and is…
  • trying to conceive while breastfeeding, can you get pregnant while breastfeeding, should you wean from breastfeeding before conceiving again, should you wean from breastfeeding before getting pregnant, need to wean breastfeeding before getting pregnant

    Do you need to wean from breastfeeding while trying to conceive?

    By Kristen Curran • January 6, 2023
    Are you hoping to conceive and wondering whether you’ll need to wean a currently breastfeeding child? Because every…
  • The eco-friendly baby feeding option: How breastfeeding benefits the environment

    By Christina Bennett • December 15, 2022
    You already know that breastmilk is the ideal nutrition for newborns, and you probably know that breastfeeding has…