Women’s hormones, especially the sex hormones estrogen and progesterone, exist in a delicate balance. Without this balance, the menstrual cycle cannot occur. Symptoms of hormonal imbalances range from painful periods and cramps to cystic acne and low sex drive, and more. In some cases, infertility may be a symptom of a hormone imbalance.
Unfortunately, doctors are often quick to prescribe hormonal birth control to “regulate” women’s cycles when they present with heavy, irregular, or painful periods, premenstrual syndrome (PMS), or cystic acne. Rather than regulating a woman’s cycle, the synthetic hormones found in most birth control override the cycle completely, acting instead as a “doctor-prescribed hormonal imbalance.”
It’s important to learn about the root causes of the hormone imbalances causing symptoms like painful sex, PMS, and painful periods, so you can pursue true remedies, instead of simply covering up the symptoms with drugs like hormonal birth control. Doctors trained in restorative reproductive medicine can help you get to the bottom of your hormonal imbalance and truly regulate your cycles, sometimes by using bioidentical hormones, diet and lifestyle changes, surgeries, and other therapies.
Furthermore, improved hormonal health has some surprisingly beneficial effects for your overall health. Research continues to reveal the importance of healthy periods, truly regulated cycles, and balanced hormones, especially for young women.
For information on how charting your cycle with a fertility awareness method (FAM) or method of Natural Family Planning (NFP) can help identify root causes of hormonal imbalance, learn more about the health benefits of charting. You can also find a fertility awareness instructor or find a doctor, especially one trained in FEMM or NaProTechnology.
This page was last updated on June 11th, 2024.
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