OCD and the menstrual cycle: Are OCD symptoms worse before your period? And what to do about them byMelayna AliceaFebruary 13, 2025
Orilissa, the “non-hormonal endometriosis treatment,” is far from a miracle drug Bone density loss worse than menopause byAnne Marie Williams, RN, BSNFebruary 8, 2025
How the brain changes over the course of the menstrual cycle What two new studies tell us byElizabeth Wescott, PhDFebruary 6, 2025
September 1, 2023 The “off switch” for sperm made headlines—but is it all it’s cracked up to be? Why we're doubtful it would work, and if men would even use it byKristen Curran
August 31, 2023 “Why doesn’t he care?”: Talking with friends to figure out men’s role in birth control decisions Why some men think they don't have a part to play in birth control decisions byAlex Rico
July 7, 2023 How men can encourage a switch from birth control to fertility awareness What if your spouse asked you to give up golfing? byAlex Rico
June 15, 2023 What men know about birth control, based on my conversations with “the boys” “Do you mean to tell me that women can only get pregnant a few days out of the byAlex Rico
February 17, 2023 Learning to love (with) Natural Family Planning What dozens of couples told us about their experience with NFP byGerard Migeon
February 10, 2023 Natural treatment options for male infertility In a separate article, I covered the debate on whether worldwide decreasing byClare Sharp
February 10, 2023 Male infertility: are low sperm counts a big deal? Sperm counts in human males have been dropping worldwide for years, but how big byClare Sharp
June 2, 2022 The scoop on male birth control gels and pills Minnesota mice made news recently when researchers at the University of byAnne Marie Williams, RN, BSN
February 17, 2022 Is a vasectomy reversal effective enough to help you become a dad again? “I’m 36 & DH is 38 byGerard Migeon
February 17, 2022 The reality of vasectomy risks and side effects As reported in MEL Magazine, when William from Kentucky got a vasectomy at the byGerard Migeon
February 14, 2022 A vasectomy can’t repair a broken love life—and it might cut a relationship short In researching the phenomenon of vasectomy regret, I came across a Reddit thread byGrace Emily Stark
November 11, 2021 Should you teach your teen boy about fertility awareness? Here at Natural Womanhood, we’ve written and talked at length about the byCassondra Moriarty