Fertility Diaries, Episode 2: Starting Charting

It’s time for our second episode of The Fertility Diaries! In this month’s episode, we explore the emotions that accompany that time after deciding to chart. It can be nerve wracking, thrilling, and even liberating to ditch your old form of birth control. (I remember taking my last pill and throwing the pack out!)

We wanted to capture this in a succinct episode. Share with your friends who are considering making the switch to the world of fertility charting or even reminisce on your own journey. We want to support women in their decision to enter the fertility awareness world so that they feel like they have the tools, support, and education to successfully use charting for their goals, whatever they may be.

Share in the comments what your feelings were upon ditching your old birth control! I was enthralled by the idea of learning about my cycles and also feeling empowered to have the ability to plan my family sans hormones. Did you go through an instructor? Or did you find support in a book, the internet, or a friend? I bought Taking Charge of Your Fertility from a local bookstore and practically inhaled it in a weekend. How did you discover charting? I heard about it through my at-the-time boyfriend! (Now husband.)

Regardless of how you started charting, we’re glad that you did and we’re glad you’re here with us! So now we present August’s episode, “Starting Charting.” Enjoy!

You can also view this and other Natural Womanhood videos on Youtube here

Would you like to know more?

Watch Fertility Diaries Episode 1, or find out how you can get started here


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