3 reasons you should consider Merciér Therapy for holistic fertility treatment

When a woman begins to chart her fertility with the goal of conceiving, she begins a journey of self-awareness that allows her to see which aspects of her life need evaluation and treatment. More and more a variety of holistic care providers, including chiropracters, acupuncturists, massage therapists, naturopaths, have expertise in reproductive and fertility health as it relates to their specialty area. Mercier Therapy can complement fertility charting and treatments like NaPro Technology[i] to effectively restore and improve your reproductive health.

I first heard about Mercier Therapy when I came across yinRoot, the holistic health and bodywork practice of Joelle Samples, AADP, IAHC. She coaches women about the varying aspects of their fertility with a special focus on nutrition and lifestyle, in addition to offering Merciér Therapy.

Similar to learning a fertility awareness method (FAM), Merciér Therapy includes a relationship of accompaniment between the client and the practitioner. This critical component of the therapy means that it is not merely a transaction of services, but a relationship of trust that forms and develops over time. Women experiencing infertility will enter into the Shared Journey Fertility Program™, which “not only includes the actual manual therapy, but it also includes a year of on-going support, guidance, and education to help women navigate the world of infertility and find optimal health and wellness.”

Mercier Therapy “is a deep, gynovisceral pelvic manipulation that addresses adhesions, scar tissue, hormonal imbalances, and the malalignement of the reproductive organs while increasing blood flow and circulation to the pelvic floor,” Ms. Samples explained. For women facing endometriosis or PCOS, two of the most prevalent root causes of infertility, this manipulation can alleviate symptoms and restore the woman to health in conjunction with lifestyle changes and medical care.

“Merciér Therapy can be done alongside other bodywork modalities, chiropractic care, learning the Creighton Model, and much more,” Ms. Samples noted. The bodywork is done on a massage table in a relaxing environment, however the pelvic manipulation is not a massage. There are over 100 Merciér Therapists worldwide.

If you are trying to conceive, here are the top three reasons that you should consider taking a closer look at Merciér Therapy

1. Merciér Therapy has a 83% stand-alone success rate at helping women conceive and can complement fertility awareness methods of treatment.

2. Merciér Therapy is customized for each woman and done alongside fertility tracking.

In my work as a FertilityCare Practitioner, I worked with one particular couple facing infertility who had previously charted the Sympto-Thermal method in their early marriage. Before coming to me, they had worked with a reproductive endocrinologist who recommended several cycles of ovulation stimulation and induction. He discouraged them from charting during these cycles as he said the medications she would be taking would alter her fertility so dramatically that her chart would be of little value.

It goes to show that not all reproductive treatments are created equal. A fertility chart is a tool that ought to accompany a woman throughout her reproductive years, and especially along the course of any fertility treatment. However, it is most valued when the treatment is restorative in nature, which is the goal of Merciér Therapy.  The fertility chart allows the couple to see small and large changes, improvements, setbacks, and hurdles along the way.

The chart serves as the cornerstone of the infertility diagnostic work-up. It is extremely motivating when a couple notices tangible improvements in the woman’s cycle. It could be that she has a longer luteal phase, a shorter menses with no brown bleeding, a healthy mucus build-up, or less pelvic pain leading up to her period. Each of these little signs can be milestones that have a cumulative effect in increasing their chance of achieving pregnancy and helping the woman to become healthier over time.

Ms. Samples recommends that clients chart, teaching them fertility awareness signs and how to recognize them, including cervical mucus, temperatures, and the position of their cervix. In addition, Merciér therapy sessions are timed based on where the woman is in her cycle and based upon any known conditions she is experiencing. The fertility chart can show the woman the benefits that Merciér therapy is having on her cycle.

Mercier Therapy for pelvic pain

3. Merciér Therapy is not just for women trying to become pregnant.

Some other reasons for having Merciér Therapy include painful intercourse, irregular menstrual cycles, pelvic surgical scar tissue, sexual abuse trama, pelvic or hip injury, and reproductive conditions that impact the health of women in general, such as endometriosis and Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS). Fertility is not limited to conception and babies, but is a beautiful part of the design of every woman. That’s why Merciér Therapy seeks to offer services that can empower all women and to address the whole gamut of reproductive conditions women face today.

Consider learning more about Merciér Therapy by contacting a therapist who lives in your area. Chart in hand, take a step toward improved fertility and health through this supplementary therapy, and see the benefits for yourself.

More information:

Expect a Miracle The website of Jennifer Merciér

Practitioners A complete directory of trained Merciér therapists in the United States and internationally

NaPro Technology  A New Women’s Reproductive Medicine

NaPro Medical Consultants An international directory of providers

International Institute of Restorative Reproductive Medicine An International Organization Supporting Providers and Educators that have restorative approaches to reproductive medicine


[i] NaPro Technology is a new women’s reproductive medicine that was founded by Dr. Thomas Hilgers and is practiced by physicians and medical providers worldwide. It is up to 80% effective at helping women conceive over a course of 8-12 months of charting and medical treatment. NaPro Technology can include medical and surgical techniques in addition to lifestyle recommendations and support. There are over 1,800 FertilityCare Practitioners and Instructors worldwide who teach the system of charting and fertility education that goes along with NaPro Technology, the Creighton Model of FertilityCare.

When this article refers to fertility awareness methods (FAM), or natural family planning (NFP), we are referring to Fertility Awareness-Based Methods, evidence-based methods of cycle charting which can be used as effective forms of natural birth control when learned by a certified instructor.


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