OPILL approved by the FDA


Dear friend,

On Thursday, July 13, the FDA announced its approval of the progestin-only birth control pill, Opill, for over-the-counter availability.

As soon as Perrigo, Opill’s Dublin-based manufacturer, can get the product on shelves (early 2024 by their estimate), all U.S. women of reproductive age will be able to pick up the drug without consulting a doctor or pharmacist. With no age-restriction on the sale of Opill, girls as young as 10, 11, or 12-years-old (12 is the average age of menarche in the U.S.) will be able to start taking the contraceptive drug, unbeknownst to, well, anyone. 

While Opill received speedy approval because of its lack of estrogen (which carries blood clotting risks that can lead to stroke and heart attack), that does not mean the drug is without risks and side effects. As we detailed in our recently-updated article on Opill, progestin-only contraception carries with it many of the same side effects and risks as estrogen-containing alternatives, including increased risk of breast cancer.

We encourage you to read our Natural Womanhood article, below, and to check out our extensive coverage of the issue in other media, including this clip from Tipping Point with Kara McKinney on OAN, this article published at The Federalist, and this interview on Catholic Connection with Teresa Tomeo

Action call: While news of Opill’s OTC approval is undoubtedly disappointing for those of us who advocate for authentic women’s health, it fuels our drive to get information about these dangerous drugs into the hands of as many women and girls as possible. We will take this opportunity to renew our efforts to empower girls, women, and couples with the gift of their fertility, and with knowledge of the essential role it plays in good physical and mental health.

To help us, please:

– Follow us on Instagram, and share our social media posts and articles and videos from the Natural Womanhood website and our YouTube channel as widely as possible.

– Encourage others to sign up for this newsletter by going to our homepage and clicking “Newsletter” in the upper righthand corner.

– Consider making a tax-deductible donation to help further our efforts today.

I remain confident that together, we can protect girls and women against the pernicious belief that their fertility is a disease in need of a pharmaceutical “cure.”    


Grace Emily Stark
Natural Womanhood

Opill, the progestin-only birth control pill, is now available over-the-counter 
The FDA recently approved Opill, a progestin-only contraceptive pill, as the first over-the-counter hormonal birth control. But how safe is it, really? Click here to read the full article.