Natural Love Stories, the documentary we’ve been working on for over two years and talking about for the past few months is DONE and available for free on our website! We have many reasons to be excited about it.
What Natural Love Stories does
Anyone who watches this movie will get a better understanding of the fact that hormonal contraceptives are potentially harmful. They will also discover why natural methods of fertility awareness are an amazing option, not just for women’s health but for their relationship and for their family.
The story is told by couples who switched from contraceptives to fertility awareness and can talk about the difference. It is also supported with the testimony of several Ob/Gyns who have made the courageous choice to treat women better than just giving out pills.
We know the movie will change minds and hearts.
Why is Natural Love Stories important?
We made this movie because it is time to show the truth about women’s reproductive health options and give them hope for a better future. Here are a few more reasons:
- Because healthy young women like 24-year-old Erika Langhart are killed by blood clots caused by hormonal contraceptives and the FDA and big pharma are closing their eyes to these victims and to their families
- Because breast cancer has grown by 1.3% a year between 1950 and 1998, that it currently touches almost 3 million women in the US alone, and kills 40,000 per year including almost 5,000 under 50.
- Because women deserve the knowledge offered by fertility awareness and the individual care offered by treatment based on its science like NaPro Technology or FEMM.
- Because at least 15% of couples are struggling to conceive and they need to be made aware of the powerful technologies proposed by fertility awareness to solve these problems
- Because couples are starving for closer, more fulfilled physical relationships that only a good understanding of fertility can bring them.
- You can probably add your own reasons here…
Natural Love Stories will save lives and save families. That’s why we made this film and why many need to see it.
A tool for FAM promoters
This movie was made for NFP/FAM promoters and teachers, for people who are passionate and want to help women and families.
That’s why we are making it available for free online and you can share it easily. It can also be purchased as a downloadable file or a DVD from us. We have a very affordable public version for those of you who would like to use it in the context of a public presentation.
Our plan
We are going to share this information with as many people as possible on our social media channels.
For $50-70 you can buy a version that you can show to your local community at an event you organize. In the coming few weeks, we will share some simple tools to get that organized. Please talk to us further if you would like us to be involved.
We’re working on partnerships with other national organizations and our goal is to put Natural Love Stories in their hands so that their members and followers can share it widely. Talk to us if you’re interested.
Can this first extensive movie presentation of the danger of contraceptives and the benefits of fertility awareness be the small domino that starts a positive chain reaction in our culture? We can’t do it alone, but we know many of you are eager to be part of this movement. Watch the movie. Share it. Give the DVD. Reach out to us if you want to partner to share it at a larger scale.
We know that Natural Love Stories will make a difference.
I think Natural Womanhood is invaluable as schools do not seem to teach the first thing about reproductive biology. I am the founder of Smart Women’s Choice, another healthy and completely safe alternative to hormone-based birth control methods. If you want to supplement Natural Womanhood with a method that will work during your fertile periods, look us up at