Fertility Awareness Methods

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Learn a Fertility Awareness Method

  • ‘So much more than family planning’: Finding freedom in Fertility Awareness

    By Melayna Alicea • March 14, 2024
    FAMs helped me get help for endo, conceive, and carry my children to term
  • vaginal health, vagina

    FAM Basics: The vagina and vaginal health

    By Kristen Curran • August 10, 2023
    The vagina’s role in sex, menstruation, childbirth
  • uterus function, how big is the uterus, where is the uterus located, anatomy of the uterus

    FAM Basics: The uterus

    By Kristen Curran • June 9, 2023
    The uterus doesn’t just matter when you’re pregnant (or trying)
  • What are FAMs, what are fertility awareness methods, Natural Womanhood exclusive video interview, What is fertility awareness, Dr. Marguerite Duane, Fertility Appreciation Collaborative to Teach the Science, FACTS about Fertility,

    What are FAMs? A Natural Womanhood Exclusive Video Interview with Dr. Marguerite Duane, MD, of FACTS

    By Grace Emily Stark • June 9, 2023
    “In the beginning, it might be really challenging [to learn a fertility awareness method]. [Similarly to learning to…
  • FAM Basics: Your hormones during a natural cycle vs. your hormones on the Pill

    By Amy Fathman, DNP, FNP-BC • February 3, 2023
    “The average number of children U.S. adults think is ideal is 2.7. To achieve this family size, a…
  • FAM Basics: What is the Corpus Luteum?

    By Anne Marie Williams, RN, BSN • October 21, 2022
    If you’re new to fertility awareness methods (FAM), you may have heard the term “corpus luteum” tossed around…
  • teen fertility tracker app, teen fertility tracking app, teen period tracker app, period tracker app, fertility awareness app, fertility awareness app for teen, teaching teens fertility awareness

    FAM-friendly apps to help your teen understand her cycle and learn basic charting

    By Jasmine Adams Piescik • August 26, 2022
    If there’s ever an easy decade to be a woman, the teenage years are not it. Confronting the…
  • cant take birth control, can't take birth control, can't take hormonal birth control, can't take the Pill, alternatives to the Pill, blood clot from the Pill, blood clot risk contraception, fertility awareness, fertility awareness insurance coverage

    Birth control pills almost killed me, so I rely on fertility awareness for family planning. What happens to women like me if FAM coverage gets eliminated? 

    By Samantha Stephenson • October 14, 2022
    The first time I almost died, it was a surprise. I woke up on a Saturday morning and…
  • why do i need a fertility awareness teacher, should i learn fertility awareness from a teacher, fertility awareness teacher, fertility awareness instructor, learn fertility awareness, learn fertility awareness from an app or a person

    FAM Basics: Why you really need to learn from a fertility awareness method instructor

    By Cassondra Moriarty • June 23, 2022
    A personal note from the author: I am a Fertility Awareness Method (FAM) instructor, which means that I…
  • normal menstrual cycle length, how long should your period be, menstrual cycle and hormonal health, menstrual cycle fifth vital sign, fifth vital sign for women

    FAM Basics: What can charting your menstrual cycle tell you about your hormonal health?

    By Cassondra Moriarty • June 10, 2022
    Over and over again at Natural Womanhood we’ve emphasized how charting your cycles gives you a vital window…