For those of you who don’t know me, I am French. I was born there, and grew up and lived there until I moved to the US 21 years ago. In fact, I studied in Paris from 1985 to 1988 a few blocks from the Bataclan Theater. So today my heart goes to my homeland in a special way, as I along with many others witness with shock and sadness what happened on Friday night.
At such times, we feel helpless, angry, and uncertain about the future of our civilization and our world.
Such events have been happening in other areas of the world, and we share the grief of families in the Middle East and Africa touched by terrorism. The world is especially shocked today because some of the values that Paris represents are under attack: beauty, love, liberty.
Our condolences go to all the families of the world touched by these attacks. May they be comforted.
Gerard Migeon
Photos by
Christian Scheja, La cité de l’amour
Rod, A unique expresson of love
Tallapragada, The rise of liberty
Beverly & Pack, The US is with France