Survey Respondents Tell Us Natural Womanhood’s Impact

Natural Womanhood Fertility Awareness Based Methods FAM FABM Natural Family Planning

Thank you to all those who participated in our recent readership survey advertised in our e-newsletter and social media. We are happy to share with you some of the results!

Most of all, we were very encouraged—because, we heard you’re feeling encouraged too!

No joke, the most common feedback we received from you, was that our content makes you feel distinctly encouraged.

This is super important for the fertility-awareness revolution; we need to encourage each other to keep pushing the cultural conversation, which starts with those smaller conversations with your friends, family, OB-GYNs, community members, on so on. And when it comes to standing up for Natural Family Planning (NFP) and Fertility Awareness-Based Methods (FABM) in the world we’re living in today, we could use all the support and encouragement we can get.

So imagine how satisfying it was for us to hear you share with us that Natural Womanhood has “given me hope and encouragement” and “helps me know I’m not alone!!” And, “the information is powerful and uplifting, especially when I sometimes feel quite alone in being against contraceptives.” And, “I feel empowered knowing other women think the same way.

A sense of encouragement and community are so important because they supply the energy to keep engaging those around us with the truth on a much-misunderstood topic. Encouragement and community are necessary to further the fertility-awareness movement. Because, as another surveyed reader described the supporting atmosphere at Natural Womanhood:

It “helps sustain my enthusiasm to talk about [FABMs] with others.”

Since many of our readers are advocates, sustaining enthusiasm to talk about FABMs with others has a multiplying effect:

“The information helps me talk in an informed manner with colleagues (I am a physician) and personal friends.”

“I refer out clients to your website, print things and hand out, use your data in educating them.”

We were also grateful to hear that you find our articles unbiased, research focused, useful, and accessible to all. As some readers put it, our articles are “well-researched,” “very informative,”  “non-judgemental,” and “easy to share with people who are on the fence.” Many shared that our “religion-neutral point of view … has strengthened my confidence in it and ability to share it with others.” This is exactly what Natural Womanhood aims to be—a tool for you to apply in your lives and to help others, and it’s exciting to us to see how you’re using the information.

Finally, we were most grateful to hear how you are able to change real people’s lives with the help of Natural Womanhood. Consider just a few of the powerful stories we heard:

“Your professional medical update actually got my provider to listen to me about my chosen family planning method.”

“I recently met a young woman at the local YMCA who was describing her frustration over how doctors were treating the symptoms of her ‘mal-functioning’ cycle with hormones, etc. rather than looking in to the causes and helping get her body healthy again. I gave her your info and when I saw her again, a couple of months later, she was already looking better and was hopeful & encouraged—looking forward to meeting with one of your doctors and saving money to do so. Thank you!!”

“A friend of mine said that she changed her mind about cohabitation & birth control because of one of your articles!!! I was shocked!! And so thankful! That is just one example of how you guys are so informative & helpful.”

Not to mention, how our content helps women and couples on the individual level: Natural Womanhood led to “healthier cycles for me,” one shared. “It has helped me become aware of my body in ways I never thought was possible and that I don’t need chemicals or prescriptions to prevent/achieve pregnancy,” explained another. And another: “My conjugal relation has improved since we use FABM.”

We also heard your suggestions concerning our content and what you’d like to read more about, and we are processing them to integrate them into our editorial calendar.

That is why we are so grateful for your help and support to keep us going. If you get our e-newsletter, and you see the impact it’s having in your communities and around the world, we hope you’ll consider donating today to further our essential work—even a small amount goes a long way.

Could you commit today to a $5 monthly donation?

A small recurring donation would go directly toward producing and publishing the content on our site that has such great impact. It would go toward the costs of the writing and editing of our articles, of our publishing platform, and of our e-news distributor—the basics of our work, already operating on a modest budget with no fat. It would go directly toward furthering the highly impactful content you love.

There are few organizations today you can support knowing even a few dollars monthly will go directly to such important and culturally significant content. We thank you for your readership, for your contribution to our survey, for considering donating today, and for continuing to spread the word. We couldn’t do this without you.


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