Тереза Вонеш и Анна Мари Уильямс

Тереза Вонеш и Анна Мари Уильямс

Посты 2
Therese Vonesh studied communications and marine biology at Ave Maria University in Southwest Florida. Born and raised in the hills of New England, she finds inspiration in all things adventure, fitness, and the outdoors. A certified copywriter and business owner, T has a background in writing articles, interviews, short stories, and web content. More of her writing can be found at tvoneshcopy.com or on LinkedIn. Anne Marie Williams hails from Illinois and is a wife and mom of four plus one miscarried baby. She has 10 years of nursing experience, with the bulk of that time spent working in an adult intensive care unit (ICU). She became a fertility awareness enthusiast in college after learning the Creighton Model to address hormonal issues, and is a passionate advocate of women’s health options that work with rather than against women’s bodies. Her latest venture is helping moms experience postpartum as a time of grit, growth, and grace via @gritgrowthgrace on Instagram and a podcast available on Spotify and Apple podcasts.