

Are you or your organization promoting Fertility Awareness Based Methods? Below are a few tools you can use to do so.

Брошюры "Естественная женственность": our brochures for women and men are used by clinics and centers all over the US and Canada because they are an effective introduction to fertility awareness based methods. They cost $49 for 100 copies including shipping costs within the US (check with us for other destinations). Ordering is simple: make a donation here with a comment about the brochures you would like to order. If you would like larger quantities please check with us at [email protected].

Here are the two brochures we sell and their Spanish translation (click to see a PDF):

Знайте свое тело

Что нужно знать парням о противозачаточных средствах

Познай свой организм (Знайте свое тело brochure in Spanish)

Lo que los hombres…. (What guys need to know…. in Spanish)

Send this Medical Update to a doctor in your community!

Only 6% of doctors are aware of the actual effectiveness and basic facts about modern Fertility Awareness Based Methods. This brochure was developed in partnership with FACTS (Fertility Appreciation Collaborative to Teach the Systems), a Washington, DC-based organization whose mission is to educate physicians and healthcare professionals about evidence-based natural methods. Click the image below to download it and send it to your doctor.

Брошюра NW FACTS за январь 2016 года обновление FINAL

Invite a trained speaker to give our presentation: The Signs of the Female Cycle Explained

This 50-minute talk introduces women and couples to the signs of fertility, FABMs and how charting can help women monitor their health and plan their families. It provides the perfect overview for a general audience that may not have heard about these methods and highlights how they provide a healthy alternative for family planning and benefit relationships. Designed in partnership with ФАКТЫ, an organization of medical professionals dedicated to the promotion of FABMs, it is offered through their nationwide networks of trained speakers. The presentation is based on science, designed to help people make informed decision in this area, and includes a balanced presentation of all fertility awareness based methods.  Нажмите здесь to reserve a speaker and here to watch an upcoming webinar.

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